was stalin a fair leader

[848] They had two biological childrena son, Vasily, and a daughter, Svetlana, and adopted another son, Artyom Sergeev, in 1921. [314] At this point, Stalin turned against the NEP, which put him on a course to the "left" even of Trotsky or Zinoviev. Died: 5 March 1953 Kuntsevo Dacha near Moscow, Russia. [53], That month, Stalin travelled to the port city of Batum. [361] He also expressed patronage for scientists whose research fitted within his preconceived interpretation of Marxism; for instance, he endorsed research of an agrobiologist Trofim Lysenko despite the fact that it was rejected by the majority of Lysenko's scientific peers as pseudo-scientific. [652] He was moved onto a couch and remained there for three days. [763] This gained widespread acceptance outside the Soviet Union during his lifetime but was misleading. [286] The Left Opposition believed the NEP conceded too much to capitalism; Stalin was called a "rightist" for his support of the policy. I stand on the ground of the latter". Watch: When Rahul Gandhi got stumped over fuel prices . [917] In 1969 and again in 1979, plans were proposed for a full rehabilitation of Stalin's legacy but on both occasions were defeated by critics within the Soviet and international MarxistLeninist movement. Born: December 8, 1878 in Gori, Georgia. Together, the trio laid down the foundation for the Soviet Union. Joseph Stalin (trade unionist) Joseph Stalin is a Sri Lankan trade unionist, as of 2022 serving as general secretary of the Ceylon Teachers' Union. [243] Stalin opposed the idea of separate Georgian, Armenian, and Azeri autonomous republics, arguing that these would likely oppress ethnic minorities within their respective territories; instead he called for a Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. [934], Some positive sentiment can also be found elsewhere in the former Soviet Union. . [419] In 1935, he ordered the NKVD to expel suspected counter-revolutionaries from urban areas;[381] in early 1935, over 11,000 were expelled from Leningrad. [912] In 1956, Khrushchev gave his "Secret Speech", titled "On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences", to a closed session of the Party's 20th Congress. [528] Stalin was impatient for the UK and U.S. to open up a Western Front to take the pressure off of the East; they eventually did so in mid-1944. He did. [62], Stalin left Batum in October, arriving at the small Siberian town of Novaya Uda in late November 1903. [430] He also initiated "national operations", the ethnic cleansing of non-Soviet ethnic groupsamong them Poles, Germans, Latvians, Finns, Greeks, Koreans, and Chinesethrough internal or external exile. [528] Roosevelt and Churchill also agreed to Stalin's demand that the German city of Knigsberg be declared Soviet territory. Churchill was concerned that this was the case and unsuccessfully tried to convince the U.S. that the Western Allies should pursue the same goal. [410] With the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in July 1937, the Soviet Union and China signed a non-aggression pact the following August. Submitted by sgel on June 17, 2011. [181] Stalin became part of an informal foursome leading the government, alongside Lenin, Trotsky, and Sverdlov;[182] of these, Sverdlov was regularly absent and died in March 1919. [653] He was hand-fed using a spoon, given various medicines and injections, and leeches were applied to him. [514], By November 1942, the Soviets had begun to repulse the important German strategic southern campaign and, although there were 2.5million Soviet casualties in that effort, it permitted the Soviets to take the offensive for most of the rest of the war on the Eastern Front. It comprised the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the Ukrainian Social Republic, the Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Transcaucasian Soviet Socialist Republic. Stalin was officially the leader of the Communist party, but to many in the Party, he was only a figurehead. [358] He oversaw proliferation of schools, newspapers, and libraries, as well as advancement of literacy and numeracy. Stalin was successful in becoming the new leader of the USSR for many complex reasons. [586] Much of this was constructed by prison labour. "[841] Stalin married twice and had several children. [734] His writing style was similar, being characterised by its simplicity, clarity, and conciseness. [767] He was a hard worker,[768] and displayed a keen desire to learn;[769] when in power, he scrutinised many details of Soviet life, from film scripts to architectural plans and military hardware. [24] Stalin faced several severe health problems: An 1884 smallpox infection left him with facial scars;[25] and at age 12 he was seriously injured when he was hit by a phaeton, probably the cause of a lifelong disability in his left arm. [660] His body was embalmed,[661] and then placed on display in Moscow's House of Unions for three days. This concept was intricately linked to factional struggles within the party, particularly against Trotsky. [608] Stalin had a particularly strained relationship with Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito due to the latter's continued calls for Balkan federation and for Soviet aid for the communist forces in the ongoing Greek Civil War. [664] That month featured a surge in arrests for "anti-Soviet agitation," as those celebrating Stalin's death came to police attention. [366] He personally met with a range of Western visitors, including George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells, both of whom were impressed with him. [196] That month, he travelled to Helsinki to talk with the Finnish Social-Democrats, granting Finland's request for independence in December. [673] The new leaders sought rapprochement with Yugoslavia and a less hostile relationship with the U.S.,[674] pursuing a negotiated end to the Korean War in July 1953. [298] Some of those United Opposition members who were repentant were later rehabilitated and returned to government. [774] He was a good organiser,[775] with a strategic mind,[776] and judged others according to their inner strength, practicality, and cleverness. [442] The Great Terror ended when Yezhov was removed as the head of the NKVD, to be replaced by Lavrentiy Beria,[443] a man totally devoted to Stalin. [289] He was supported in this by Bukharin, who, like Stalin, believed that the Left Opposition's proposals would plunge the Soviet Union into instability. [490] He purged the military command; several high-ranking figures were demoted or reassigned and others were arrested and executed. No one died on that day. [338] In 1928, the first five-year plan was launched, its main focus on boosting heavy industry;[339] it was finished a year ahead of schedule, in 1932. [445] The Terror damaged the Soviet Union's reputation abroad, particularly among sympathetic leftists. [914] In October 1961, Stalin's body was removed from the mausoleum and buried in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis, the location marked by a bust. [606] In September 1947, a meeting of East European communist leaders was held in Szklarska Porba, Poland, from which was formed Cominform to co-ordinate the Communist Parties across Eastern Europe and also in France and Italy. [733] He rarely spoke before large audiences, and preferred to express himself in written form. To eradicate accused "enemies of the working class", Stalin instituted the Great Purge, in which over a million were imprisoned, largely in the Gulag system of forced labour camps, and at least 700,000 executed between 1934 and 1939. Written in response to public revelations of the 1939 Soviet alliance with Germany, it focused on blaming Western powers for the war. [307] Here, he argued for the concept of "Socialism in One Country", which he presented as an orthodox Leninist perspective. [17] In September 1888, Stalin enrolled at the Orthodox Gori Church School,[18] a place secured by Charkviani. [111] In March 1910, he was arrested again and sent back to Solvychegodsk. [716] Stalin argued that the Jews possessed a "national character" but were not a "nation" and were thus unassimilable. Stalin was a broad fellow, with a very heavily pock-marked face". [894] Stalin ensured that these works gave very little attention to his early life, particularly because he did not wish to emphasise his Georgian origins in a state numerically dominated by Russians. [263] A compromise was reached, in which the federation would be renamed the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" (USSR). [413] This mixed approach began to change in December 1934, after prominent party member Sergey Kirov was murdered. [496] Stalin exploited Nazi anti-Semitism, and in April 1942 he sponsored the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC) to garner Jewish and foreign support for the Soviet war effort. His gang ambushed the armed convoy in Erivan Square with gunfire and home-made bombs. [557] Aware that these countries had been pushed toward socialism through invasion rather than by proletarian revolution, Stalin referred to them not as "dictatorships of the proletariat" but as "people's democracies", suggesting that in these countries there was a pro-socialist alliance combining the proletariat, peasantry, and lower middle-class. [663] At the funeral on 9 March, Stalins body was laid to rest in Lenin's Mausoleum in Red Square; hundreds of thousands attended. [163] This reflected his senior standing in the party at the time.[164]. [56] After several strike leaders were arrested, he co-organised a mass public demonstration which led to the storming of the prison; troops fired upon the demonstrators, 13 of whom were killed. [519] In 1941, the London Philharmonic Orchestra performed a concert to celebrate his birthday,[520] and in 1942, Time magazine named him "Man of the Year". About half were then imprisoned in labour camps. [684] According to scholar Robert Service, Stalin's "few innovations in ideology were crude, dubious developments of Marxism". Stalin promoted MarxismLeninism abroad through the Communist International and supported European anti-fascist movements during the 1930s, particularly in the Spanish Civil War. Myth He further states the estimate is far lower than the estimates of 20million or above which were made before access to the archives. [415] After the murder, Stalin became increasingly concerned by the threat of assassination, improved his personal security, and rarely went out in public. [414] In September 1934, he launched a commission to investigate false imprisonments; that same month he called for the execution of workers at the Stalin Metallurgical Factory accused of spying for Japan. [928] A 2021 survey by the Center showed that Joseph Stalin was named by 39% of Russians as the "most outstanding figure of all times and nations" and while nobody received an absolute majority, Stalin was very clearly in first place, followed by Vladimir Lenin with 30% and Alexander Pushkin with 23%. [856] After Stalin's death, Svetlana changed her surname from Stalin to Alliluyeva,[674] and defected to the U.S.[857], After Nadezhda's death, Stalin became increasingly close to his sister-in-law Zhenya Alliluyeva;[858] Montefiore believed that they were lovers. [183] Stalin's office was based near to Lenin's in the Smolny Institute,[184] and he and Trotsky were the only individuals allowed access to Lenin's study without an appointment. 23M views 5 years ago The personalities and spectres of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin loom large in the events of the twentieth Century. D. Stalin suppressed Lenin's wishes that Stalin NOT follow him as leader of the Soviet Union, fearing Stalin's approach to power. [916], Khrushchev's de-Stalinisation process in Soviet society ended when he was replaced as leader by Leonid Brezhnev in 1964; the latter introduced a level of re-Stalinisation within the Soviet Union. [460] On 17 September, the Red Army entered eastern Poland, officially to restore order amid the collapse of the Polish state. [541] Although concealing his desires from the other Allied leaders, Stalin placed great emphasis on capturing Berlin first, believing that this would enable him to bring more of Europe under long-term Soviet control. [899] Socialist writers like Volkogonov have acknowledged that Stalin's actions damaged "the enormous appeal of socialism generated by the October Revolution". [194] In November 1917, he signed the Decree on Nationality, according ethnic and national minorities living in Russia the right of secession and self-determination. [754] His choice of favoured holiday house changed over the years,[755] although he holidayed in southern parts of the USSR every year from 1925 to 1936 and again from 1945 to 1951. [78] Stalin's squads disarmed local police and troops,[79] raided government arsenals,[80] and raised funds through protection rackets on large local businesses and mines. [718] Stalin's push for Soviet westward expansion into eastern Europe resulted in accusations of Russian imperialism. "Today someone is lamenting that the name of Tamil Nadu should not be used. [198] Stalin supported Lenin's desire to sign an armistice with the Central Powers regardless of the cost in territory. [293] Stalin in turn accused Kamenev and Zinoviev of reintroducing factionalism and thus instability into the party. [648] There, he emphasised what he regarded as leadership qualities necessary in the future and highlighted the weaknesses of various potential successors, particularly Molotov and Mikoyan. [454], As Britain and France seemed unwilling to commit to an alliance with the Soviet Union, Stalin saw a better deal with the Germans. [773] Several historians have seen it as appropriate to follow Lazar Kaganovich's description of there being "several Stalins" as a means of understanding his multi-faceted personality. [929][930] At the same time, there was a growth in pro-Stalinist literature in Russia, much relying upon the misrepresentation or fabrication of source material. Joseph Stalin was the leader of Soviet Russia from the mid-1920s to his death in 1953. [209] In Tsaritsyn, Stalin commanded the local Cheka branch to execute suspected counter-revolutionaries, sometimes without trial[210] and in contravention of government orders purged the military and food collection agencies of middle-class specialists, some of whom he also executed. Stalin's original Georgian name was Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili (, While forced to give up control of the Secretariat almost immediately after succeeding Stalin as the body's. [236] Lenin joined Trotsky in criticising him, and nobody spoke on his behalf at the conference. [889] Service similarly warned of the portrayal of Stalin as an "unimpeded despot", noting that "powerful though he was, his powers were not limitless", and his rule depended on his willingness to conserve the Soviet structure he had inherited. This article reassesses Stalin's attempts to construct legitimacy through the development of a 'cult of personality', built through an overt co-option of the charismatic authority generated by Lenin's revolutionary leadership. [168] In Lenin's absence, Stalin continued editing Pravda and served as acting leader of the Bolsheviks, overseeing the party's Sixth Congress, which was held covertly. [675] The doctors who had been imprisoned were released and the anti-Semitic purges ceased. [270] To bolster his image as a devoted Leninist, Stalin gave nine lectures at Sverdlov University on the "Foundations of Leninism", later published in book form. [817] His Volynskoe suburb had a 20-hectare (50-acre) park, with Stalin devoting much attention to its agricultural activities. [109] He was eventually sentenced to two years exile in the village of Solvychegodsk, Vologda Province, arriving there in February 1909. [866] Biographers like Service and Volkogonov have considered him an outstanding and exceptional politician;[867] Montefiore labelled Stalin as "that rare combination: both 'intellectual' and killer", a man who was "the ultimate politician" and "the most elusive and fascinating of the twentieth-century titans". [91], Stalin married Kato Svanidze in an Orthodox church ceremony at Senaki in July 1906. [244] The Georgian Communist Party opposed the idea, resulting in the Georgian affair. [640] He instructed the arrested doctors to be tortured to ensure confession. [274] Favouring new Communist Party members from proletarian backgrounds, to the "Old Bolsheviks" who tended to be middle class university graduates,[275] he ensured he had loyalists dispersed across the country's regions. [595] [796], Keenly interested in the arts,[797] Stalin admired artistic talent. On December 1, 1934, less than a year after he was mentioned as a possible replacement for Stalin, Sergei Kirov was assassinated. [530] Discussing the fate of the Balkans, later in 1944 Churchill agreed to Stalin's suggestion that after the war, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, and Yugoslavia would come under the Soviet sphere of influence while Greece would come under that of the West. 2 On March 5, 1953, Joseph Stalin died of a stroke. [688] Leading this vanguard, he believed that the Soviet peoples needed a strong, central figureakin to a Tsarwhom they could rally around. [875], Stalin's Soviet Union has been characterised as a totalitarian state,[876] with Stalin its authoritarian leader. Using the idea of collective responsibility as a basis, Stalin's government abolished their autonomous republics and between late 1943 and 1944 deported the majority of their populations to Central Asia and Siberia. Born to a poor family in Gori in the Russian Empire (now Georgia), Stalin attended the Tbilisi Spiritual Seminary before joining the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. [918] Gorbachev saw the total denunciation of Stalin as necessary for the regeneration of Soviet society. It contains a great deal of text, mostly dense exchanges between the player character and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. [103] In Baku he had reassembled his gang, the Outfit,[104] which continued to attack Black Hundreds and raised finances by running protection rackets, counterfeiting currency, and carrying out robberies. [840] According to Service, Stalin "regarded women as a resource for sexual gratification and domestic comfort. [864], It was long rumored that Stalin married a sister of Lazar Kaganovich. [96] After the heist, Stalin settled in Baku with his wife and son. 6 December] 1878 [1] - 5 March 1953) was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet political leader who led the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953. [795] Other historians linked his brutality not to any personality trait, but to his unwavering commitment to the survival of the Soviet Union and the international MarxistLeninist cause. [915] Stalingrad was renamed Volgograd. [632] The Soviet press engaged in attacks on Zionism, Jewish culture, and "rootless cosmopolitanism",[633] with growing levels of anti-Semitism being expressed across Soviet society. addressing the closing ceremony of the chennai international book fair that began on monday, stalin said the state government has allotted rs 3 crore as translation grants and rs 6 crore for. [98], In Baku, Stalin secured Bolshevik domination of the local RSDLP branch[99] and edited two Bolshevik newspapers, Bakinsky Proletary and Gudok ("Whistle"). [669] The system of collective leadership was restored, and measures introduced to prevent any one member from attaining autocratic domination. [408] Stalin took a strong personal involvement in the Spanish situation. [591] In August 1949, the bomb was successfully tested in the deserts outside Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan. In 1961, just eight years later, the Soviet government ordered Stalin's remains removed from the tomb. Succeeding Lenin and his Rise to Power [699] After the October Revolution, they continued to have differences. [613] In accordance with their earlier agreements, the Western powers expected Poland to become an independent state with free democratic elections. [132] In January 1913, Stalin travelled to Vienna,[133] where he researched the 'national question' of how the Bolsheviks should deal with the Russian Empire's national and ethnic minorities. [872] Stalin's necessity for Soviet Union's economic development has been questioned, and it has been argued that Stalin's policies from 1928 onwards may have only been a limiting factor. Their economy grew, markedly unaffected by the Great Depression, and people usually like leaders who bring prosperity. [354] Nationalist sentiment among ethnic minorities was suppressed. [795] An autodidact,[806] he claimed to read as many as 500 pages a day,[807] with Montefiore regarding him as an intellectual. [925] A 2013 survey by Tbilisi State University found 45% of Georgians expressing "a positive attitude" to him. [799] He enjoyed listening to classical music,[800] owning around 2,700 records,[801] and frequently attending the Bolshoi Theatre during the 1930s and 1940s. [779] He lacked compassion,[785] something Volkogonov suggested might have been accentuated by his many years in prison and exile,[786] although he was capable of acts of kindness to strangers, even amid the Great Terror. 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