atlantoaxial instability specialist

Hopefully, this piece will prevail in explaining logical arguments for legitimate findings in CCI and AAI, and therein lead to a gradual decline and prevention for related misdiagnosis. Atlantoaxial instability | Cervical Fusion or Prolotherapy PRP Stem Cell treatment options Surgical treatments for Cervical Instability Disc, disc, disc may be wrong, wrong, wrong In Atlanto-axial instability (AAI) is a condition that affects the bones in the upper spine or neck under the base of the skull. The joint between the upper spine and base of the skull is called the atlanto-axial joint. In people with Down syndrome, the ligaments (connections between muscles) are lax or floppy. If this X-ray is repeated, the AAI might go away. Learn about the many ways you can get involved and support Mass General. Flexion-extension and cervical rotation on both sides should be evaluated. Therefore, when I hear about patients being operated on with no other abnormality than a CXA of 140 degrees, my opinion is that this is reckless butchery. (2019) documented another case where a patient with RA developed odontoid fracture and subsequent anterolateral subluxation of the atlantoaxial joint. Dysautonomia when standing up is often related to craniovascular problems, whereas difficulty holding the head up suggests mumscular damage. Type two involves stretching or partial rupture of the transverse atlantal ligament along with capsular damage on one or both sides. It is widely agreed upon that fusion should be done when there is pathological instability. Jugular outlet obstruction is commonly seen in patients with upper cervical horizontal facetal misalignment, and especially if they have broad transverses processes or a posteriorly angulated styloid process (Gweon et a. No improvement! Upright cervical MRI in flexion, extension and maximal bi-directional rotation. Request an appointment or second opinion, refer a patient, find a doctor or view test results with MGfC's secure online services. Eur J Pediatr. Request Appointment. A common but severely ignorant misunderstanding that some clinicians make (the patient cannot be blamed for thinking like this, but the clinician should set it straight), is the notion that mild to moderate ligamentous instabilities makes the neck (or the whole body for that matter) tense up to protect against the ligamentous instability, even though there are minimal or no clear MRI findings to support this notion, and that this somehow causes all of the patients symptoms. It is important to understand that the size of the facets is what determines what degree of rotation would be excessive. I told her clearly that her brainstem was normal and that she did not have any positional induction of symptoms. That is why they are much less affected by actual neck position than legitimate CCI AAI patients are, and certainly do not become symptom free in neutral positions. The atlanto-axial (AA) joint is the joint between the first (atlas) and second (axis) vertebrae (bones) in the neck. Followup, as mentioned above, can be a CTV, volume flow doppler exam, and potentially catheter venography and manometry as one additional confirming pre-surgical step to ascertain actual raised intravenous pressures. Epub 2020 Jul 4. Your email address will not be published. Copyright 2007-2023. Diagnostic markers for occult craniovascular congestion. Lack of signal change in the cord, and especially when it is not being compressed from both sides, is not a case of brainstem compression, Mild to moderate ligamentous compromise in cases where all measurements are normal or nearly normal, and there is no neurovascular compression, is generally NOT a surgical indication nor an indication for aggressive treatment. ARTICLE IN PROGRESS The piece is virtually finished, but I am missing some imaging that I dont have access to here while I am on vacation in Norway. 3. KL TRENING & REHAB Therefore before proposing surgery, the evaluation of each case must be done really carefully. A general neck MRI is usually a good idea and may show some arthritis in the atlantoaxial and atlanto-occipital joints along with minor intra-articular effusions, suggesting irritation of the joints. However, I also told her that she may end up having fixation surgery in the future to prevent foreseeable compressive damage to the brainstem. The most important risks involved in these injuries are concomitant arterial (especially vertebral artery) or brainstem injuries which can result in stroke or paralyis from the head and down or even death. This article will take a critical look at these diagnoses and elaborate upon the factual structural risks that are seen in atlantoaxial- and craniocervical instabilities, as well as their expected realistic symptoms and triggers. The dorsal lamina of the atlas shifts caudally and ventrally against the spinous process of the axis. Mild to moderate cases tend to respond well to appropriate conservative therapy (not general therapy), cf., once again, my atlas joint article from 2017 linked several times earlier. Why would you jump to the worst possible explanation, and especially when lacking apt evidence? Additionally, spinal instability in the form of spondylolisthesis In circumstances of gross trauma, the ligamentous damage may be so severe that the entire vertebrae luxate (dislocate) from normal position. Would this mean that upper cervical chiropractors (orthogonal, blair technique, gonstead, etc.) In most cases it is convenient to put bone graft, usually autologous, taken from the iliac crest or the patients own rib. zen , nal , Avcu S. Flow volumes of internal jugular veins are significantly reduced in patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. To schedule an appointment, call one of the offices, or book an appointment online. Styloidogenic jugular venous compression syndrome: diagnosis and treatment: case report. If it is, however then flexion/extension and rotational imaging to exclude positional facetal luxation is warranted. This can also promote anterior dissociation of the head which will lead to an abnormally high basion-axial interval (BAI Harris measurement) of more than 12mm (Ross & Moore, 2015). PMID: 33064218. At Dr Gilete we are experts in Ehlers Danlos surgery, craniocervical instability EDS,neuro and spine disorders related to EDS and whiplash. Acta Otolaryngol. BDI, ie. This can result in AAI where the bones are less stable and can damage the spinal cord. collected, please refer to our Privacy Policy. (look for the same things, as well as loaded and positional narrowing of the atlanto-styloidal spaces, the latter only being visible on CT). Atlantoaxial rotary subluxations are overdiagnosed and often not measured properly. Please understand that no matter how bad you feel, pursuing the wrong diagnosis will not help. TOS is also a common cause of dyspnea (respiratory difficulty), although these patients will have normal blood oxygen levels, which was also the case here. I have seen countless reports from DMX centers where the patient, despite having normal or virtually normal conventional imaging, the patient is delivered reports of laughable quality, typically deeming the whole neck as unstable, despite the images being virtually normal. This can happen due to excessive rotation at the joint with gradual worsening (eg., in a patient with Ehler Danlos syndrome or similar), or in combination with rotation and transverse-foraminal stenosis, which is the hole on the side of the transverse processes that the vertebral arteries and veins venture through. In the cases where it is not possible to obtain autologous bone graft, heterologous graft (artificial bone) may also be used. A review of the diagnosis and treatment of atlantoaxial dislocations. My experience is that most of these patients suffer from craniovascular pathologies, not CCI and AAI. Finally, beware that many of these uMRI clinics render horrible images that barely show any anatomy, yet somehow still manage to determine various complicated diagnoses from them. I have also seen cases of seventh nerve dystonic mimicks several times in JOS, where platysmal dystonia or even oropharyngeal dystonia (hypoglossal nerve) has been identified, worsened with neck tucking (which increases the compression) and resolved with specific strategies for widening the atlanto-styloidal interval (see my atlas article as linked earlier) or Larsen 2018 in the reference list). She started researching on certain online forums, in which she was advised to look into AAI and CCI. My poor baby has become completely lame and incontinent in the last 48 hours. Diagnosis is often based on survey radiographs, alth Atlantoaxial Instability And, although there was zero evidence of brainsstem compression, she did indeed have subluxation of atlantoaxial joints with around 10% of overlap when turning to the side. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and its relation to craniovascular dysfunction, Pectineo-femoral pinch syndrome: A common cause of groin & anterior thigh pain and weakness, Chronic spinal pain and radiculopathy: Diagnostic approach and common imaging pitfalls, Neurogenic genital pain: Pudendal neuralgia and inferior hypogastric plexalgia. If the patient is indeed positionally symptomatic, however, and there is compatible imaging evidence, either atlantoaxial fusion, transverse foraminotomy or certain physical therapies may be warranted depending on how severe the findings and symptoms are. Care should be taken when positioning patients suspected of having this problem. Head MRI (look for signs of elevated head pressure, beit vascular or CSF related. This is really one of, if not the worst offender with massive overestimates of craniocervical pathology. PMID: 19769514. From the beginning, the patient doubted my diagnosis that this was a craniovascular problem because she felt pain in the suboccipital area, had cracking and clunking, and felt compatible with several things she had read online and on facebook forums. Neurosurgery. Education Commonly misunderstood and overemphasized measurements. If this was the case, ie., if the brainstem and medulla was being stretched, then the patient would highly likely get neurological symptoms that improve with extension and worsen with flexion (as patients with legitimate tethered cord syndrome do), and would certainly have a positive Slump test, a test which stretches the spinal cord. Type three involves anterior subluxation of the entire atlas due to combined full rupture of the TAL and partial rupture of the capsules and other structures. Some research suggests that ventral brainstem compression (what this really means is, in tangent) occurs at approximately 130 degrees of CXA. Surgical options, sometimes including relevant-level fusion, may be warranted in these circumstances. Donald Corenman, MD, DC. PMID: 30805289; PMCID: PMC6383461. our TOS CVH paper (Larsen et al 2020). If there is a translational BDI or BAI that surpasses normal limits, however, which is maximally 12mm for BDI and BAI. You mention to test for craniovascular pathologies, we should get a Doppler examination of the carotid and cerebral arteries done, and a CT angiogram done. If the patient turns their head and passes out, and a catheter scan demonstrates dominant vertebral arterial compression, then certainly this is a case of AAI and atlantoaxial fixation may be a viable option, at least if the transverse foraminae are normal. Specialist imaging research to help diagnosis. The functional result of The atlantoaxial instability may also have an acute traumatic origin, which may sometimes require urgent treatment, though in some cases it triggers development of the craniocervical or atlantoaxial instability. Let us help you navigate your in-person or virtual visit to Mass General. Common arguments for treatment may be claims that, although the MRI and even upright MRIs are normal, their own DMX scan is positive, or that the MRI, which was deemed normal by the local hospital, in reality shows signs of ruptured ligaments and that this fits with the patients symptoms. He also found that severe misalignment of these joints were often associated with Chiari malformation, basilar invagination, and various other pathologies. Diagnostic imaging: Spine, 3rd edition. Maybe they temporary fix some compression? Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Medullopathy (signal changes, cord damage) will not occur by mere deflection, which is also evident by the blatant lack of upper motor neuron findings in these alleged brainstem compression patients. Thanks for your help! The board-certified surgeon at Polaris Spine & Neurosurgery Center, in Atlanta, Georgia, has extensive experience diagnosing and treating the many possible causes of spinal instability. This would depend on whether or not the compression of the brainstem is constant, which again would depend on several factors. We use cookies and other tools to enhance your experience on our website and In addition to reproducible clinical triggers (positions), the patient should preferably undergo a dynamic catheter angiography of the neck. Look for signs of retinal hypertension (subtle copper wiring, AV nicking, tortuosity of the arterioles, generalized vasospasm or papilledema. An X-ray is low-cost and low-risk, but it does not always tell whether a person has AAI or not. In such cases I tell my patients that, yes, you do have mild AAI, but it is not causing your symptoms. The exam should be done lying down, without a neck pillow. In my experience, we would expect to see at least 20mmHg maximum venous pressures. In other patients, the rotation may be excessive, and the wording used is exactly the same as in the prior patient that was normal. The atlantoaxial complex refers to the first two bones of the neck (C1, the atlas, and C2, the axis) as well as the associated collection of If the latter, could be JOS obstruction, or could be placebo. AAI is less common in adults with Down syndrome. She had been out from work for one year at the point of consultation, but her doctors could not find anything wrong with her. Both neurophysiological monitoring and neuronavigation guidance are safety measures for the patient. If you are very concerned that you have craniocervical and atlantoaxial instability, then I recommend getting workups for both these but also relevant differential diagnoses. Rather, she would feel awful in general and felt worsening with stress and arm- & shoulder loading, and being upright vs. lying down. However, as stated, in most cases this is just locked facets that suddenly reduce (realign) with a pop. Get the latest news, explore events and connect with Mass General. We are not talking a bout a few degrees or milimeters of change, but obvious luxation of the joints. The diagnosis can be made by means of an Upright MRI (magnetic Resonance Imaging) or with a cervical CT scan with 3D reconstruction. Congenital, inflammatory, traumatic, 10 things you should know about Cervical Disc Replacement. Li M, Gao X, Rajah GB, Liang J, Chen J, Yan F, et al. When considering neurogenic JOS, ie., a case where there is main suspicion for neural compromise, I use the chin-tucking test. None of them had positive upper motor neuron signs nor paresis in the legs. Conveniently, she was sent out to a colleague for very expensive nonsense therapy (again, regardless of lacking serious findings that would require surgery) and sent tens of thousands of euros on stemcell and prolotherapy procedures in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable wheelchair. -Mummaneni PV, Haid RW. We examined 404 patients with this chromosome disorder and observed their atlanto-dens intervals and spinal canal widths to be significantly different from children without Down syndrome. In late stages, even the CTV will show severe compression, and at this stage, surgery may be the best option for resolution if there is clinical correlation. Now, what if there is no frank compression nor clinically medullary signs and triggers, but there is a very small space both infront and behind the medulla that has been gradually getting worse. Neurology. Does it matter whether these are done laying or sitting down? Why rely on Washington University experts for treatment of your atlantoaxial instability? The success rate of this surgery is 80% or greater; however, there are many potential complications and a mortality rate of 5-10%. At Mass General, the brightest minds in medicine collaborate on behalf of our patients to bridge innovation science with state-of-the-art clinical medicine. It is advisable to obtain just a lateral view first. Last Update [site_last_modified date_format=Y-m-d H:i:s]. Moreover, I have heard numerous similar stories from other patients. However, if the patient has symptoms regardless of being in rotation or not, and has never had a case of alantoaxial rotary fixation, then there is no evidence that this is the cause of the patients symptoms, even if it, indeed, may be a bit loose. Once in the Operating Room, surgery is performed under general anesthesia, with Neurophysiological monitoring (SSEP somatosensory evoked potentials), neuronavigation guidance and intraoperative fluoroscopy guidance. Claims of three, four or even five-level spondylolisthesis due to a 50 micrometer (0.5mm) difference in alignment, only seen in extension, is simply scaremongering and ridiculous medical practice. Ann Rheum Dis. Unfortunately, and this is a big problem, even if the clinician makes up a nonsencial argument, or if they offer an evidence based objective opinion, the patient will rarely have the necessary medical knowledge to discern between the two, and will, ultimately, guide their decisions by faith [or lack thereof] in the clinician. I recommend first measuring the degree of rotation between the C1 and C2 by drawing a line from the bifid process to the middle of the anterior aspect of the vertebra, and then another line from the posterior to the anterior tubercles of the C1. A CTV is preferable, but a general neck CT will also do if you have sensitive kidneys and would like to avoid contrast infusion. Radiologic spectrum of craniocervical distraction injuries. If your child has symptoms of AAI, the doctor will suggest an X-ray. Atlantoaxial instability and craniocervical instability are spinal manifestations directly due to ligament laxity. Int J Spine Surg. (look for signs of brainstem compression, luxation or near-luxation of the facet joints, loaded CXA and Grabb-oakes, loaded Chamberlains line, translational BDI and BAI. Presuming the central venous pressure being normal, then I am not so interested in the pre and post-stenotic gradients as they tend to be unreliable. We did the Edens, Roos and Morleys tests for thoracic outlet syndrome, which were all positive. 2000). Atlantoaxial instability treatment Contact Dr. Gilete C1 C2 fusion surgery Contact Dr. Gilete Our commitment to reliable health and medical information on the internet This site complies with Mild and often even moderate circumstances of AAI and CCI can be treated with appropriate (specific, not generic) physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that prevent hypermobility. The surgical treatment for Atlantoaxial instability, when it manifests alone without occipitocervical instability, it mainly consists of a 2019) have documented numerous symptomatic cases of jugular vein stenosis at the craniovertebral junction. 1-Craniocervical instability, levels C0-C1 (Occipital-atlas). This is not dangerous, but can cause some popping, restriction in movement, and some pain upon articulation. I am not saying it is easy. DRAMMEN, NORWAY, Home More information about surgical treatment. Atlantoaxial instability is an uncommon condition of dogs in which there is abnormal movement in the neck, between the atlas (first cervical vertebra) and axis (second vertebra). Dr. Gilete in Spain, although I often disagree with his diagnoses, tends to order beautiful dynamic CT scans and also good craniovascular scans. These are typical signs of craniovasculo-hypertensive disorders. E7. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Neuronavigation assistance guides us all through the surgery, thus it diminishes (though it does not eliminate) the risks while placing the screws for the fusion. This can also damage the brainstem and produce symptoms similar to what is described above. Horizontal misalignment of the facet joints often cause dorsal migration of the C0 and C1 facets which cause approximation of the styloid process and the C1 transverse processes. In more serious clinics, albeit still poor practice, lateral atlantoaxial overhangs are often given excessive importance and focus despite the patient being unable to trigger a single relevant symptom in this position. I see massive amounts of patients with alleged AAI who have normal atlantoaxial facetal overlap, and of course, also lacking clinical correlation. Uniondale, NY Location HSS Long Island The Omni. A 32 year-old female patient contacted me in 2019 as she had been diagnosed (by a radiologist alone) with craniocervical and atlantoaxial instability. It baffles me when I see patients with 130 degree CXA and some additional signs of mild/moderate laxities being butchered with C0-T1 surgery despite there being NO instability in the cervical spine and only mild findings in the upper neck that are not causing any neurovascular conflicts nor facetal lockups (eg., Cock Robin syndrome). Evaluation of the Cause of Internal Jugular Vein Obstruction on Head and Neck Contrast Enhanced 3D MR Angiography Using Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography. In early stages, the jugular outlets passage is only obstructed posturally, and will appear normal on supine MRI, but abnormal on upright MRI. When Atlantoaxial instability occurs along with craniocervical instability, also known as occipitocervical instability (ie instability present also between skull and first cervical vertebra or Atlas), then fusion should consist of adding a fixation to the cranial bone through occipital or condylar screws which would give us as a whole C0 -C1-C2 posterior fusion. Clinical signs of such an injury include neck pain, weakness in all limbs, and potentially paralysis from the neck down and death. It mainly consists of the posterior fusion of the affected vertebrae, in this case, the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2). The ligaments involved are the transverse, alar and capsular ligaments. Moreover, it would certainly not suggest a sinister future deterioration in the vast majority of circumstances. 333 Earle Ovington Blvd, Suite 106. Atlantoaxial (AA) instability or subluxation is most commonly seen as a congenital (present at birth) disorder in small breed dogs such as Yorkies, miniature and toy Poodles, Chihuahuas, Pekingese, and Pomeranians. My experience has been that these approaches do not work, and certainly do not cause long term results. She worsened with arm-loading, and often worsened when lying down, especially the breathing dysfunction tended to exacerbate and become more pronouned at night-time, resulting in anxiety and insomnia. Basilar invagination or dorsal migration of the dens, however, will mainly be evident in flexion but can (especially BI) also be seen in netural imaging. Although this may sound terrifying, we are merely talking about mild anterior to posterior deflection of the medulla without compression. Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of the alar ligaments in whiplash injuries: a case-control study. Some rare cases have also demonstrated rotary compression of the vertebral artery in the lower neck due to arthritis or disc bulges that fills up the transverse foraminae (Ujifuku et al. Contact, Terms & conditions In BI, the compression tends to be constant. That said, one absolutely must eyeball the brainstem to see if there is or is not any legitimate evidence of, or risk of brainstem compression. Epub 2014 May 22. The vast majority of these patients do NOT and this is important have clinical triggers suggestive of craniocervical or atlantoaxial instability, such as: LACK of symptoms when in neutral position (! It is also important to know and evaluate patients concomitant diseases or comorbidities which are frequent in patients affected by Ehler Danlos, such as POTS, Mast Activation Syndrome, cardiac abnormalities etc. What muscles would need to be strengthened to prevent the ADI from opening up? Suboccipital symptoms that occur only with cracking, if the MRI shows arthritis or joint effusion, especially if the neck locks in rotary fixation, then this could be a case of legitimate AAI or CCI. Followup with a dynamic CT, supine MRI or similar to confirm potentially equivocal findings is warranted. The ligaments holding the bones together can also be injured in trauma, or weakened in certain inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or Downsyndrome. Faris AA, Poser CM, Wilmore DW, et al.. Radiologic visualization of neck vessels in healthy men. Surgical reduction and fixation would be the only appropriate treatment. I have lost the count of the amount of patients, usually terrified women, who have been brutalized by clown-given diagnoses such as brainstem compression with zero evidence. Unless the imaging findings are blatantly obvious, this diagnosis is not rendered by a radiologist alone. The atlantoaxial complex refers to the first two bones of the neck (C1,the atlas, and C2,the axis) as well as the associated collection of ligaments that connect the bones together and the blood vessels that travel through them to the brain. If you have an atlanto-dens interval (ADI) of 5mm or greater, you have instability by definition. PMID: 18708935. Ujifuku K, Hayashi K, Tsunoda K, Kitagawa N, Hayashi T, Suyama K, Nagata I. Positional vertebral artery compression and vertebrobasilar insufficiency due to a herniated cervical disc. One is especially predisposed to this problem if the affected vertebral artery is highly dominant (much higher caliber than its contralateral counterpart) or if the contralateral artery is extremely hypoplastic, or, finally, the contralateral artery terminates as the posterior inferior cerebellar artery rather than at the basilar artery (Josy & Daily, 2015). (Fixed rotatory subluxation of the atlanto-axial joint). The reports I tend to get from these clinics are often laughable and full of guessing and overestimates. Gweon HM, Chung TS, Suh SH. It means that the instability is, or will probably, shortly, become bad enough to carry the potential to damage nerves or blood vessels. If there is no medullary compression, not even in a flexion/extension scan, then we cannot say that the patient is of surgical degree, even if it is very low, unless they look so bad that it is reasonable to expect frank compression in the near future! In previous years, doctors thought all people with Down syndrome should have regular X-rays to check for AAI. doi: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e3182333859. For treatment of the facetal dysfunction I recommend postural correction for the head neck and shoulder blades, along with exercises for the trapezius, levator scapulae, suboccipital and deep neck flexor muscles. PMID: 749697; PMCID: PMC1000289. Patients with legitimate CCI or AAI will generally have intermittent induction of symptoms with full rotation, flexion or extension that resolves in netural position, presuming there is no constant crushing of the brainstem or vertebral artery dissection. Goel A. Facetal alignment: Basis of an alternative Goels classification of basilar invagination. and craniovenous outflow obstruction) will frequently cause severe fatigue, migraine, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, pain in the upper neck/back of the head (this is hypertensive migraine, not atlas pain Larsen et al 2020), POTS, memory loss, cognitive decline or fluctuating cognitive ability, syncopal event, seizures, and even, sometimes, hemi or paraparesis and other stroke-like symptoms. Research has shown that normal limits are 3 and 10mm, with an absolutely maximum of 12mm (Ross & Moore 2015). This is a major component in the workup for TOS CVH). Once the diagnosis of atlantoaxial instabilityis made, one should consult the neurologist, neurosurgeon, and a geneticist if the patient is a child. Pearls and Other Issues The atlantoaxial segment consists of the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) and forms a complex transitional structure bridging the occiput and cervical spine. For example, if the brainstem is compressed due to a ruptured transverse atantal ligament or due to basilar invagination, a brutally high Grabb-oakes measurement would be expected, and would be a nice extra detail in the report along with the actual information that there is indeed anterior-posterior compression of the brainstem. The joint between the upper I dont recommend MRA. See my youtube channel for appropriate training. If you have a normal neck and head CTA and MRI and your craniocervical measurements are normal or close to normal, and if you have no obvious movement induction of symptoms, then CCI or AAI is probably not what is causing your symptoms. Excessive lateral atlantoaxial facetal movement is a sign of [benign] ligamentous complex laxity as long as there is no frank luxation or sinister symptoms involved with lateral flexion. ADI laxity is mainly caused by head and neck trauma, so as long as you avoid future collisions, it will probably not deteriorate. Dr. Vicen Gilete, MD, Neurosurgeon & Spine Surgeon. Another diagnostic method used is cervical cineradiology, which records joint(s) movement of the entire occipitocervical, atlantoaxial and subaxial joint system. The atlas can sublux anteriorly, posteriorly, laterally, or vertically. , ie., a case where a patient, find a doctor or view test results with MGfC secure... Lame and incontinent in the vast majority of circumstances to put bone graft usually!, heterologous graft ( artificial bone ) may also be used are lax or floppy craniocervical.. Lacking clinical correlation experience is that most of these patients suffer from pathologies! 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Mean that upper cervical chiropractors ( orthogonal, blair technique, gonstead,.., if not the compression of the atlanto-axial joint ) weakness in all limbs, and some pain articulation... Invagination, and some pain upon articulation, weakness in all limbs, and potentially paralysis from the Down! Guessing and overestimates symptoms of AAI, but it does not always tell a... M, Gao X, Rajah GB, Liang J, Chen J, Chen J, F. Md, Neurosurgeon & spine Surgeon is low-cost and low-risk, but can cause some popping, restriction movement... Positioning patients suspected of having this problem ligament laxity upon that fusion should be taken when patients... From the neck Down and death etc. Vicen Gilete, MD, Neurosurgeon & Surgeon! Include neck pain, weakness in all limbs, and especially when lacking apt evidence ( ADI of! Craniocervical instability are spinal manifestations directly due to ligament laxity case-control study I dont recommend MRA to! 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