psychotic female monologues from published plays

This isnt Julias first round in therapy, but to this point nothing seems to have worked. . Lifes so trying for a girl, especially when shes in love. Alphabetical List of Plays by Title and Author, NEW PLAY SCRIPTS New Contemporary Plays, AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALANDER PLAYS contemporary Australian and New Zealander plays, PLAYS FOR THE HOLIDAYS (CHRISTMAS, THANKSGIVING, NEW YEARS AND CHANUKAH), American Plays Contemporary American plays, British Plays Contemporary British plays, CHILDRENS PLAYS: Plays for Primary and Elementary School, Science Fiction Stage Play Scripts Sci-fi and fantasy, TWO HANDER SCRIPTS PLAYS FOR TWO ACTORS, MEDIUM LENGTH ONE ACT PLAYS TWENTY FIVE TO FORTY MINUTES, NINETY MINUTE PLAYS one and half hour scripts, TWO AND A HALF HOUR TO THREE HOUR LONG PLAYS, How to Write a Great Script how to write a play, Read a Sample of the Script monologue 49 (The assassin), Read a Sample of the Script monologue 150 (Death row), Read a Sample of the Script monologue 3 (The mother), Read a Sample of the Script monologue 21 (The American girl), Contact Off The Wall Plays with any queries about Lady Killers, Finding my Root a South African monologue as a one act play, Gray Matters funny monologue about the guy who runs your brain, The Ship Has Sailed ten minute drama script, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, La Biblioteca Interactiva de Baos Fundacion Arte del Mundo. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Transgender) The girl is English. Provides a variety of monologues, scenes, and audition pieces along with Nobody else whos ever stopped at this Inn has ever treated me so! I saw the band X at The Whiskey and I fell in love with punk rock. I dont know. The wench is married, husband. Im sure you two will have like, a real bitchin time. She was very high-functioning. Often times actors are either unemployed, or on a break . But be quiet. Darnell?). Well, let me fill you in. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Bi-Polar Disorder) Except this Signor Baron, the ill-mannered lout! I told you! I told him he didnt have to say that. We included the most popular dramatic monologues for young girls from a various plays, films and tv shows. New Kid Next Door is out now as a radio play by Gather by the Ghostlight Podcast, hosted by Jonathan Cook, performed by Luke Romagnoli, Kelsie Johnson, and Sophie Cook. Chapel Hill Thespians, NC, USA 2019 So I have created an online play publishing company that will publish and sell plays! Who knows what she saw in me - wearing Barry's. 89 views 0 comments monologues4actors Aug 4, 2021 2 min Unbearable Hotness, by Gabriel Davis, Beatrice monologue, 'Im more man than you.' She was in charge of suitcases filled with money and over 2,500 children throughout her work with the Zegota, helping Jews escape and find safe houses during the war. After this long explanation of what is going on with his brain, she/he can only offer him pills. Let me introduce you to my band. If you must be married, could you introduce nobody into our family but a highwayman? Instead I found Frank. But why Mr Podkolyosin? It was wintertime, because I noticed Id left some crayons on top of my radiator and theyd melted down into these beautiful shimmering globs, like spilled jello, trembling and pulsing. I wanted to die. well, kinda hard to interfere with family, if you see my point. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT IN HERE? Such aWhy dont we just save 3 until your 18th birthday? Even though they have class together at school, Travis and Erynne dont know each other. You feel like everybody else has some kind of secret guidebook on how to be perfect and cute and youre just a goon. I kept it hidden under blankets during the day. Now, what would you call a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza, and what become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? . You fit for a knights beddrowsy browed, dull eyed, drossy spritedI hold my life you have forgot your dancing: when was the dancer with you? Like any school is a healthy environment. Oh and this whole Josh and Ty thing was wiggin me more than anything. who will, on a weekly basis in Cabinet meetings, shake hands with you before you nod off to sleep. Elton Bates. It was a monument of my castoff dinners, only I hadnt built it with food. Um. The only other people we know are Greeks, cause Greeks marry Greeks to breed more Greeks, to be loud breeding Greek eaters. Well, Algernon, of course if you are obliged to be beside the bedside of Mr. Bunbury, I have nothing more to say. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. We attack from below. Norman has sought out a variety of methods to get a hold of his severe anxiety. Hudson Valley Cornhole. Because thats not what Rome is about. (Male or Female, Dramatic, Teens) But I dont see a little girl when I see you. Mum apologised a week later for it being crap. Hey, you know what!? Which was fair enough. Thank you for your submission. RED: glazed cherries laced with rum . . . Let fate decide. Generous. . My friends are different. . And her sister. . a viper, like your Aunt Kelly. A monologue from the book/play by Lisa B. Thompson, A thirty-five-year-old African American woman. Because this was pointless. She went years without any real incidents. A monologue from the screenplay by Tina Fey (Based on the book by Rosalind Wiseman). Absolutely yes. Theyd made some effort. I thought about the lessons of family provided in Martins book and had to admit that since buying those stones, Scarlet has been doing better. And as a result, the women become more and more productive and therefore, more and more interesting. 9 Dramatic Female Monologues from Characters in Crisis : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. I am always telling that to your poor uncle, but he never seems to take much notice . That reminds me, I dont think I ever got a piece! Prague. . But I would be much obliged if you would ask Mr. Bunbury, from me, to be kind enough not to have a relapse on Saturday, for I rely on you to arrange my music for me. From conventional to new age he is on a journey to find the root of his mental illness. Most successful female playwright since who? Moving fluidly from present survivor monologues to past scenes with the troubled teen, friends and family come to terms with Rachels disease and the roles, however unwitting, that they played in her death as they learn to carry on. Once married, got up his head above, a stiff, crooked, knobby, inflexible, tyrannous creature he grows; then they turn like water, more you would embrace, the less you hold. Elizabeth and her mother are safe. This is a play about dealing with tragedy and the strength necessary to survive, all in the search for just one good thing. Should sex education be taught outside the home? Oh, I would say no, wouldnt you, Harold? Which is not a normal time to leave any birthday party, I know. But then reserved, and sheepish, thats much against him. . The second after Id got my drivers license, I grabbed my fake ID, jumped into my Pinto, and headed straight over the hill for Hollywood. . It wasnt! A monologue from the play by Oliver Goldsmith, Act the first, Scene (A chamber in an old fashioned house). She was pleased. You look like a nice couple. One night, Mary hears Nick get out of bed and go down to the garage. Besides, hes poured so much down his own throat that he knew the good of it., A monologue from the play by John Marston. This is dreadful oh God, please make it Anuchkin! In this monologue, Ava tries to relate to her therapist how her emotions and self-worth have been attacked and beaten down by a feeling of worthlessness. A monologue from the screen play byNancy Meyers. The you that I know, would have walked in here and rolled your eyes and thought this was completely over the top, ridiculous, and stupid. For some reason, my guidance counselor took an interest in me. Mr Zhevakins also a man of distinction. YELLOW: lemon curls dipped in sugar . Colin, twenty-two years older than Peta, is as much a father to her as a lover. COFFEE TABLE Melanie lives in a psycho ward talking to people that aren't really there but what if they are? 1 to 2 minute monologue from wizard of oz comedu. Really love me? She attempts to tell her doctor how she started writing. Wear your bathing suit whenever possible. ELIZABETH (Finishes her glass of wine and pours herself another one.) . Im difficult to explain without sounding thick but me and her dont fit like that. Not that I fit anywhere. 15 Best Classical Monologues For Women From Plays. She explains to Laura that Mack had told her that before anything could happen between them she would have to choose between him and Peter. Throughout this monologue, we would never guess that tonight is the night she will be found out by the Gestapo, and sent to prison for her work. (Female, Dramatic, Teens 40s) By the end of the day, Nick is no longer a goth. You have successfully purchased store credit. She gave no warning, leaving only a note for Colin by way of explanation. You know what I like most about New York? You may receive a verification email. Weve pullednine from our collection that dig deep into a characters innermost psychological workings during a catastrophe. Thank you! Sleep is a lovely practice for death. Chiraptophobia is an inspiring and innovatively structured examination of a communitys struggles with grief and guilt in the wake of the loss of a teenage girl to an eating disorder. I was languishing with hunger, but oh, dear Mother . From here you can access a wide range of monologues. Maggie endures a loveless marriage and within ten years gives birth to five children. These monologues as as amazing as they are disturbing a view into the psyche of the female killer. I was wrong about Elton, I was wrong about Christian, and now Josh hated me. Betrayal 13. 3. Look at her. To make salads, or else cried up and down for samphire. . Our ePlays consist of short plays for student Featured Scripts 10 Practice Scripts for Actors August 16, 2022 MB Team 10 Practice Scripts for Actors may be used for auditions, workshops, demo reel videos or scene work in drama class. And dont think Regina is the meanest girl in this school. Cost is $11.00 for this set of four monologues in digital format. However, if he be so young, so handsome, and so everything as you mention, I believe hell do still. Arent we lucky to be living in such a civilised age? Using these guidelines, the actor can quickly pinpoint the perfect monologue, then find the text in the Samuel French or Dramatist Play Service edition of the play. My tongue gets thick. Sometimes I do it three times in one night and it really is great fun. This is our monologue hub. I was this dorky seventh grader from the Valley when I had my first cool experience. . Ive spent over twenty years living breathing f***ing sucking eating sleeping dreaming all things rock and roll. touching them will absorb into their hands some of the toxic energy contained therein. She wasnt really. Oh, and by the way Elton, she had a boyfriend, and you were weird.. However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. I have written a number of plays for play festivals, as well as read through hundreds of plays on the internet, and I realized there is gap in the publishing industry where good authors struggle to get their plays published. Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. My mother would kill me. In two days Ill be 40 and surprise surprise, I aint no rock star. Newly revised and expanded, the book includes the author's own assessment of each monologue. . Cause all those things would be exponentially cooler than going to Prom with you. . And thats what I mean about But they were bored and it was quite shit and they thought itd be quite funny to leave, and it sort of was, you know? Character: Ernestine. But my father, he kept ladling gin down her throat. Now, if you could attach Mr Anuchkins lips to Mr Podkolyosins nose, and take some of Mr Zhevakins easy manner, and perhaps add Mr Omelets solid build, I could decide on the spot. She didnt. Then, theres my gorgeous sister here. The play, narrated by Nick in the present tense, traces the events of a life-changing day. PLEASE NOTE: Lady Killers was written as a set of 3 monologues, with the author making the fourth monologue available as an addendum to the script, tagged at the end of it. As for marriagetheres plenty of time for that. 11. Take your pick. One Minute Monologues from Movies One Minute Monologues from Plays 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "Daddy, I know what I want to do with my life" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "You are being really, really, really mean" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Dr. Jump): "Greetings, citizens of Strawberry" But I felt triumphant because I was a separate person from them. . Female, Dramatic, Teens 20s Chicago.. psycho female monologues.. if you could call what happened a rescue. First, here is the personality interview which you are to fill out and return. (whispering) No, not for the flu, but when I have to go to the gynecologist. Trees, grapes, most garden equipment, and hair product a good friend of the family, Emily, is convinced that her little baby, Shawna, who was delivered stillborn just last spring, has come back to life as a George Foreman Grill. See, here he is. Grupo Teatro de Barro, San Pedro Garza Garcia, NL, Mexico 2019 . However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. Monologues From Published Disney Plays Female Monologues. When Autumn comes upon them discussing Amelias social ambitions, Helen lies and says they were just saying how sad that their father wouldnt be present at Helens wedding. Switching Sides - LGBTQ monologue from the play Unbearable Hotness. Prada handbags, too. The Importance Of Being Earnest. she met Jorge at the Olive Garden where he oversees dish management, and shes, overall, developed a real positive outlook on life. A monologue from the screenplay by Paul Rudnick. I have to haul a** to the kitchen, re-distribute the food and like squish in extra place-settings and people are on mismatched chairs and all. Present day.. And being Mum and slightly overcautious about most things, cancelling all her cards included cancelling her library card . (. I just have a yeast infection, AGAIN! Fantastic! The monsters and wolves in your fairy book are real. . Right? He loved his state. No, no, I wont whichever comes out, so be it. It oozed and bubbled like raspberry jam! . Obviously. As an actor, working with rich text is very beneficial. About the . Foreigner talks with her translator after he has returned with food and beer. . We have to set an example. Oh, yeah? I thought my hand might go through into space. I finished off my entire supply in one night, mixing color over color until my head swam! We should totally just stab Caesar! . I mean, at what point do I become a joke? . WHICH IM SURE IS PERFECTLY BLEACHED! You may receive a verification email. There is so much to hear if you just stay quiet and listen for it. Brutus is just as cute as Caesar. It is the end of term, Mack and Benny are graduating and the contract is up on their flat. In this monologue she expresses her plan to win Demetrius\' love back . Peter has recently hanged himself. Better Mr Podkolyosin. . depicts the ever deepening alienation of Vietnam Veteran Travis Bickle a psychotic cab driver who obsessively cruises 4 / 8. Why is that? It was very late at night. Yes, and cant IBut I vow Im disposing of the husband, before I have secured the lover. What is Performerstuff? Your registration has been updated. My father, was a drinker, and a fiend. Bill Clinton was impeached but because she needed to be surrounded by more objects that she could relate to on a past life level. Well, this particular yeast infection has no respect for that over-the-counter Monistat. I mean Mr Anuchkinno, I wont, I wont. 8 of the Best Monologues for Women Who Speak Their Mind : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. Thats when we had sex actually. My first husband, the heart surgeon. I am very happy for you. A monologue from the screenplay by Diablo Cody. I see how your mother talks to you and dont get me wrong. What, youre going to go to Paris with Helen now?! She spent ages looking for it. () I knew she was always a proud sl*t; and now the wench hath played the fool and married, because forsooth she would do like the gentry. . (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Anorexia) I found my own materials. . The festivities continue the following evening when the boys are joined by Timps girlfriend Laura and Sophie, who we soon understand is having a secret relationship with Mack. And you know why he told me, Barney? But why, good fisherman,Am I thought meat for you, that never yetHad angling rod cast towards me? New Plays for Teens How oft it chances that in dreams a man Has wed . A monologue from the screen play by Nia Vardalos. Mr Anuchkin isnt bad-looking, but hes a bit skinny, of course. All Rights Reserved, 11 Dark Female Drama Monologues from Plays, 11 Dark Monologues from One-Act Plays for Actress, 11 Drama Monologues for Women of All Ages, Dark and Brooding Female Drama Monologues. I certainly dont expect him to fall in love with me at first sightbut to behave like that! . That night. But then I found I missed it. Afterwards I thought Id betrayed Clive. The Any Key dramatic male monologue. American Psycho is a 2000 Canadian-American horror film directed by Mary Harron, who co-wrote the screenplay with Guinevere Turner.Based on the 1991 novel of the same name by Bret Easton Ellis, it stars Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman, a New York City investment banker who leads a double life as a serial killer. Never married, which as we know, if you were a woman, would be a curse. It all boiled down to one inevitable conclusion, I was just totally clueless. And as for father ladling the gin down her throat, it wouldnt have killed her. (to an awkward girl) Annika. Stupid f***ing cookie! Oh man she scared the shit out of me! . A monologue from the play by Nikolai Gogol. Have you played over all your old lessons othe virginals? This store is PCI Compliant, Please log in to begin your shopping experience. But whos counting? Youre gonna be, like (sexy voice) I teach yoga in Los Angeles Karen, you are at your peak right now. Anyway, thats whats complicated. And whether or not they find each other will determine if they live through the night. Every week I spent my allowance on crayons. When I was of your youth, I was lightsome, and quick, two years before I was married. Rules; Blog; Contact; Browse: Home / Uncategorized / psychotic female monologues from published plays Boca Prep International School, FL, USA 2021. It never occured to me that I might not make it. Look at this shower! I was ten. Obsessively going over the events of the day, they grasp at trying to come to terms with their disjointed lives and their singular, unsettling dream. The Glass Menagerie 15. But, as the monologues point out, women, like men are just as different from each other and their motivations, remain human. But the wrong effort. I touch my face, it was there, my arm, my breast, and my hand sent down where I thought it shouldnt, and I thought well there is somebody there. Theyve only got to enter this Inn and they fall in love with me and think they can marry me on the spot. Now then, are you ready, Harold? shell certainly have this Gayless: nay, were she as well convinced of his poverty as I am, shed have him. Turn. I felt as you have felt. 2. Ive seen Jessica Lopez make a girl cry just by looking at her. I mean, every single one of the twenty-five I invited and all were important but also everyone left my birthday party every single one of the twenty-five at 10.30 p.m. My latest husband. Oedipus the King. That was a college-level analysis. That sort of thing infuriates me. But Ive met girls like you before and I can tell you, if you dont change your life, youre about ten years away from being a divorced Real Estate agent with chipped nail tips. Youve been around the block a few times. . All she can describe are abstract concepts, and they must suffice in place of the tangible horror of depression. My first instinct was to turn it over to the police and let them sort her out. Like you know what, Bleek? . Featured by the NYC Playwrights Project "Women in the Age of Trump." This . O, but a virtuous marriage, you say? 50? Like, you never just have a minute alone. 1. Do you know Charlotte Korman, big, red-headed, buxom woman, her husband is the Mercedes-Benz dealer in Wantagh? She is stuck in a situation where she must choose to either get a back-alley surgery (a very risky procedure, as it may be a scam or end in death) OR tell her boyfriend the truth (another equally risky choice that may result in Marcia being physically injured by her boyfriend). It is my last reception, and one wants something that will encourage conversation, particularly at the end of the season when every one has practically said whatever they had to say, which, in most cases, was probably not much. I think she only stopped sleeping with it when she started sleeping with Sally. In fact, out of her a**hole! You have successfully purchased store credit. A monologue from the book by Alan Jay Lerner (Based on the play Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw. When I was of your bord, he missed me not a night, I was kept at it; I took delight to learn, and he to teach me, pretty brown gentleman, he took pleasure in my company; but you are dull, nothing comes nimbly from you, you dance like a plumbers daughter, and deserve two thousand pounds in lead to your marriage, and not in goldsmiths ware. Sadly, the grill was ours. [] He must have more striking features to catch me, I promise you. Helena is depressed as Demetrius doesn\'t love her anymore. GoodFellas At this point in the play he has decided to talk to a Neuropsychiatrist after having a rough experience with a physic. My Fair Lady. It felt very sweet, it was a feeling from very long ago, it was very soft. Dont I yearn, and ache, and shop? . Regina George. Bates. But thy match, sisterby my troth, I think twill do well. . Its always going to hurt the rst time. . "Doubt" by John Patrick Shanley. Here is she going to throw away fifteen thousand pounds; upon what? SPECTACULAR! In the meantime, Im very depressed. After a series of unhappy encounters she feels fearful, misses Colin and asks him to come and take her home. Its going to hurt the rst time. THE ALTRUISTS (SYDNEY) DOWN FOR THE COUNT (WENDY) POST MORTEM (BETSY) 20 Funny Contemporary Comedic Monologues For Women From Plays. Eating is great, sex used to be great (remember when sex was great, Mrs. . Griffith High School. AFTER THREE MONTHS THAT RADIATOR WAS . Gin was as mothers milk to her. However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. (She gives up.) Thatsgreatthats positive but positive is overrated. Oh.. theres Jessica. Her past dysfunctional sexual relationships haunt her through the guise of an Everyman Lover who lives mostly in Julias mind. Where are all your friends? Yeah what you just take soupy sales to Prom. MAGS, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? . Goodbye, everybody! . Do you often get the feeling that perhaps life isnt worth living? Hmm, what is it, Harold? So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. Guitar god by night, guitar teacher by day. The poor fool. In this set of four monologues by women who kill, the author allows us to meet four female killers or murderers, each who kills or has killed for different reasons for one, its a job, the second for revenge and the third, to save her children from a lifetime of potential pain. No. A room in an older, run down hotel. And if you dont, Im ! He hasnt met the woman yet who knows how to set about him. FilmTagger is a movie recommendations engine for Screenwriters, Directors, Producers, Film-Buffs and Students everywhere. JOCASTA - 1. A monologue from the play by Caryl Churchill. Wait a second, what am I stressing about, this is like, Josh. I find that just as annoying as those sistas who have never experienced cramps. They had to go. Tonight we made 13.50 each. However, she has been in a relationship with a man who keeps pushing her to have sex with him. Then she come to so sudden that she bit the bowl off the spoon. through a network of handshakes, the Under-Secretary of Outrageous Falsehoods will shake hands with the Secretary for Pernicious Behavior under the Cloak of Night. . Do you remember jokes and take pleasure in relating them to others? Well, you dont do that, do you, Harold? Ooo! He doesnt want her to be my friend, doesnt want her to come to our house; he cant stand Charlotte Korman. I went down to the kitchen and made myself a cream cheese and jelly sandwich on date-nut bread. But not always pure. () Yes, you are a dull maid alate, methinks you had need have somewhat to quicken your green sickness; do you weep? So instead of pitying you, they write an article about you. Nick has a love of the Existentialists. Like this play? Thats Macbeth, you know-nothing twit. ITS ALL THE FOOD SHES BEEN SPITTING OUT! Just in a way. Somebody pinched it, and what I say is, them that pinched it, done her in. All I ever wanted was a Ballerina Barbie in her pretty pink tutu. When I was completing my MFA in Playwriting at CMU, I helped actor's prepare for their Senior Showcase presentations. Are you going to ride around on bikes with berets and f***ing baguettes in the basket of the front of your bikes? Sex. But I send them anyway, once a day, and do you know why? Bit. And then, when we both think Im ready, Im going to get in my car and drive off the Verrazano Bridge. New Plays for Teens One. The Crucible 11. A Louisiana Gentleman is a comedy that exposes Blaine Ashton, a young medical student desperate to choose among three women: his manic sixteen year-old sister, a seductive middle aged actress, and his alcoholic, duty-driven aunt. Oh come on, it was high school dance. Why should a mortal man, the sport of chance, With no assured foreknowledge, be afraid? It took incredible will power not to let go, but I held on, whispering, Mags, if you let go of this crayon, youll be run over by a truck on Newberry Street, so help you God! . 1) Helena wants Demetrius back. People come that like, didnt R.S.V.P.! I don't do that stuff. Oh! Had not such a piece of flesh been ordained, what had us wives been good for? Be this advice pursued by each fond maid, Neer slight the substance for an empty shade: Rich, weighty sparks alone should please and charm ye: For should spouse cool, his gold will always warm ye. Im afraid of you half the time. A monologue from the play by Terrence McNally. And my whole family is big and loud. . Here is the first question. Is the subject of sex being overexploited by our mass media? Well, that would have to be yes, wouldnt it? This standalone monologue is entitled SANDRA, the Writer. Sandra is speaking to a doctor, a psychiatrist. All of this ties together when she explains that shes been going to doctors in an attempt to diagnose her depression. (comes out of the store with bags in tow) What does she want with Josh anyway? And I was on antidepressants for a while, when I was her age. . . (Male, Comedic, Late Teens 40s) Two love struck actors audition for Broadway and are confronted with questions that are afraid to answer and routines that lead them into questioning their lives. BEAUTIFUL DAY A woman who feels unloved and unhappy inside herself because she simply doesn't think she is visually pretty enough. . Is this what you want Lillian!? Know why? Naturally, I wanted to try it myself, so I grabbed a red one and pressed it down against the hissing lid. Womens health is a pain in the a**! What would he want with Ty, she couldnt make him happy. Lud, this news of papas puts me all in a flutter. 15 Monologues from Published Plays ACTING DIFFERENT Cassandra lets her boyfriend know how she doesn't appreciate the fact that he acts completely different in front of his friends. But I dont cry about it any more. I mean, that radiator was really hot! You followed my gaze and saw it. So, did I really wanna be sluggin it out in little clubs still chasing that rock n roll dream when I was 45? Monologue: "There you have it, They white,Seems to us only white folks can laugh on Sundays.". Im the unfit fitter. And that was the last time in eight months that I tasted food I estimate, going four times a week, I should be through with Doctor Margolies in another year. 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