matthew 8 23 27 explanation

Christ and his disciples no sooner put forth to sea, but dangers attend and difficulties do accompany them: a tempest In form, of course,and in effect alsothis was to them a rebuke. Bible study He can carry Himself as one asleep, to the end He may be awakened by their prayers.6. 2. For the exposition, see the notes at Mark 4:35. 5-13 Compare Luk_7:1-10. But what a rebuke! Matthew 8:23-27 King James Version 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. They had been long acquainted with the sea, and never saw a storm so immediately turned into a perfect calm, in all their lives. Centurion's Servant. . As we will see, the men in the boat didnt fully catch on to who Jesus was until after He rose from the dead. Chronologically, though, it has to come later in Jesus ministry, probably in the fall of the second year of his ministry (fall of 31 A.D.). In one sense, the present scene of the calming of the storm is even more striking. CONTENTS: Jesus heals a leper, the centurion's servant and Peter's We will always struggle with fears in this life, because the world is not a safe place. he had given, As that other man we meet in the Gospels, I beseech Jesus, 'Help my little faith, so weak yet so trusting'. Our Lord, of set purpose, will lead His disciples into dangers, for the stirring up and trial of their faith, and for evidencing His own glory.2. But observe, when he went to sea, he had no yacht or pleasure-boat to attend him, but made use of his disciples fishing-boats; so poorly was he accommodated in all respects. How exactly calculated to begin quieting the storm of feeling within them! is the fullest; note how both the others omit the reproach of Mark Matthew 8:2327 demonstrates Jesus' authority over nature. Revelation 21 Seems To Be After The Millennium Where It Says There Will Be No Pain Or Tears. through his teaching (chs. Luke says that one day Jesus said to His disciples, Let us go over to the other side of the lake (8:22); He fell asleep (8:23); and when the storm came up they were in great danger (8:23). Christs errand into the world was to save, but those only shall be saved that call on the name of the Lord, Ac 2:21. Christian living Great multitudes often count for nothing; it is here or ther Matthew 8:1. Many that have true faith are weak in it, and it does but little. Christ and his disciples no sooner put forth to sea, Of all the gospel writers Matthew is the most orderly. St Mark, as usual, adds some interesting details: "it was Is Divorce And Remarriage After Abuse, Neglect, Financial, Or Emotional Issues Okay. 1. Of course, in the Old Testament, this is descriptive of the LORD God. Those that can lay their heads upon the pillow of a clear conscience, may sleep quietly and sweetly in a storm (Ps 4:8), as Peter, Ac 12:6. Matthew mosaic, All Hallows, Allerton, by Rodhullandemu [CC BY-SA] via Wikimedia Commons. they sailed was probably a small open boat with sails, such as was On the one hand, as natural to men who did not know how many moments they had to live, it was exceedingly brief and abrupt. (LogOut/ Note, Christ will save none but those that are willing to take him for their Lord; for he is a Prince and a Saviour. Carest Thou not that we perish? Almost Have you no feeling at all for our need? Great indeed must have been the tempest within them to give such utterance to such thoughts. followed him. It is a reminder that Jesus was truly human. I. Christs sleep in the storm.His calm slumber is contrasted with the hurly-burly of the tempest and the fear of the crew. You are part of a global community. Shall we ever do so again? Sea reading Talk to Jesus about the storms that are in your life today. The disciples faith in forsaking all and following Christ, was great faith, but in this present act their faith was week, through the prevalency of their fear. We have already discussed the boat and the storm so that we do not need to reiterate that now. Here we see the power of His word over nature. Am I of little or of great faith? Could there, indeed, have been greater love consistent with truth? The men in the boat, who had previously witnessed Jesus heal lepers and all manners of diseases, and who saw Him cast out demons were amazed. Here was a man having dominion over the earth and the sea. TEXT: 8:23-27 verb is superfluous. Jesus then decides to take His ministry to the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee to the Greco-Roman province called the Decapolis. Matthew 8:23-27 (my translation) 23 As he boarded the boat, his students followed him. The fearfulness of Christs disciples in a storm, and their unbelief, the cause of it, are very displeasing to the Lord Jesus, for they reflect dishonour upon him, and create disturbance to themselves. eveningthere were other boats with Hima great storm The two narratives that follow are brought together in all three This little passage is rather straightforward in its structure. At its deepest it is about 160 feet deep, depending on the fluctuation over the years. In Matthews gospel, it is also followed by Jesuss calling Levi, and subsequently identifying the twelve. So, in this version, we dont seem meant to assume that Levi/Matthew was in the boat when this happened. Matthew's Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom, and of the King. He replied, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?'" Each gospel writer includes some of the things that happened there in the boat. Matthew 5:1, JESUS CALMS THE STORM MATTHEW 8:23-27; MARK 4:35-41; LUKE 8:22-25; A rebuke, first, to the disciples themselves. Verse 23. GADARENE DEMONIACS and the ship was covered with waves. What a wondrous application of His power (6) And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. Jesus The other rebuke was but the sequel to this; its complement, as it were. This is the short episode in Matthews gospel where Jesus stills the storm. [Some questions on the text are here.] I. THE STILLING OF THE TEMPEST (Mark 4:35; Luke 8:22). Uniform Series Ver. One of the best known stories in the Gospels is that of Jesus calming the storm on the lake. He can make a difference between small faith and no faith, and as He will reprove unbelief, so will He not despise the smallest measure of belief.9. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). Because people are perishing in spiritual chaos. The Lord sits upon the floods, and is mightier than the noise of many waters. Second, our faith may be expressed in our prayers to Him, Lord, save us from any of the dangers and troubles of life that we face. The storm is contrasted with the calm after the miracle. There arose a very great storm, Mt 8:24. We are perishing!. But He was asleep. It is now on display in a lovely new museum there on the shores of the lake at Genneseret. It could have carried up to 15 men. [1.] Note, Christ is a Nonesuch; every thing in him is admirable: none so wise, so mighty, so amiable, as he. Christ rebukes his disciples fears; Why are ye fearful? hope The disciples are amazed at this power. 27But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! 1. 2. A simple illustration. you see the King amid the storms of nature. JESUS STILLS A TEMPEST MATTHEW 8:1 A BOAT. ENTERED INTO A CHAPTER 8 2.) faith Yet Ryries Notes Say Otherwise. The people who go down to the sea in ships in Psalm 107 sound a lot like the disciples in Matthew: they are afraid in the face of the storm, and they cry out to God in their distress. 23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. been pleased to employ in giving us the apostle Matthew's accou _CHRIST IN THE SHIP_ Jesus spoke directly to the natural order of the elements and the weather. Matthew 8:18 Martin Buber I and Thou Where was our faith? Matthew Chapter 8. For additional references, see Pss. The story comes in a series of reports about Jesus authority in various areassickness, demons, death, and sin. 2. The second section is Jesus rebuke of the disciples and then the calming of the storm. Nothing is impossible for Him. (LogOut/ Observe, 3. Think about it. St. Mark and St. So in the Old Testament God alone has the authority to command and control nature, especially the chaotic element of nature like this huge storm in Psalm 29. politics Jesuss tranquility in the boat is, perhaps, a demonstration of what it means not to worry or be anxious about how things are going to turn out. It is always good to pay close attention to the exact words of Jesus in a passage. 25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. prayer It is a beautiful illustration of His ways of dealing with those that are His. section to matter which resembles that of Mark and Luke, and 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was act. Revisiting it gives us an opportunity to experience again the drama, the fear, the relief. But as you are studying Matthews account, only the points that Matthew makes should be your basic Bible study, because you are studying the passage in the way he wrote it in his gospel. Choose music to play during the daily prayer. I. Christianity They were in a panic when they came to Him, not in confidence. MATTHEW 8:23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples foll. dat. But add the speeches and we see that Jesus calmed the storm at their request for help, but before He did it He rebuked them for their weak faith. 23And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. _dat. The first thing that Jesus did in response to their request was to rebuke their weak faith: O you of little faith, why are you afraid? They were right to ask Jesus to save them--and their request shows that they had faith that He could save them. history. He is the author of Introducing Biblical Hebrew and Grammar, Holiness to the Lord: A Guide to the Exposition of the Book of Leviticus, Creation and Blessing: A Guide to the Study and Exposit More, Getting Spiritually Fit 1 ( Corinthians 9:24-27), Steps to Biblical Reconciliation (Luke 17:1-4; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21). (Matthew 8:23-27) By Ted Schroder, January 8, 2017 "Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. We do not follow a simple itinerant preacher from Galilee; we follow Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God. Psalm 8 had said that God made man a little lower than the angels and gave him dominion over creation. reading the Bible A gracious response.For gracious it wasmost graciousthough in the form of rebuke. They did not want to drown. We might imagine Mom or Dad saying cut it out! to the kids bickering in the back seat of the car. It was the language of their fervency; they pray as men in earnest, that beg for their lives; it becomes us thus to strive and wrestle in prayer; therefore Christ slept, that he might draw out this importunity. AND WHEN HE WAS ENTERED INTO A SHIP, HIS DISCIPLES FOLLOWED In addition to the items mentioned above, Mark adds some more information. While Jesus sleeps, a violent storm rages and the disciples are fearing for their lives. Others pretended to cure diseases, but he only undertook to command the winds. Then, after this Jesus rebuked the winds and the waves and they became calm. We accept the chronology of Mark, who explicitly (1.) "L A SHIP. when he had sat down, his disciples came unto him: And he open DISCIPLESHIP IN TRAINING [So I could not help thinking of a tsunami.] I let my look rest on the desperate situations in my present life, or that of the world, and let this cry well up from the depths of my heart. study questions He chose to go by water. The clearest example is when Jesus took a couple of them to the top of the mountain and let the reality of his God-hood shine out with heavenly brilliance from behind his everyday presence and appearance (a transfiguration which may have been projected back into the narrative from his Easter appearances). We are perishing!" I would not make too much of their following Him (some folks make a spiritual point out of some common statements), because the word is used even for the crowds of unbelievers who followed Him where He went. liturgy Then He calls them a name: oligopistoi meaning little faiths. This moniker is translated here as you men of little faith. They had been with Jesus for over a year now (judging from the chronology); they should have had more confidence after hearing all His teachings and seeing all the miracles He did (little faith is also used in 6:30; 14:31; 16:8; 17:20; and Luke 12:28). But a rearrangement of the order of the stories by Matthew for rhetorical or theological purposes is not a problem. Observe here, 1. But Jesus was sleeping. Which was got ready by his In between their request and their amazement is Jesus rebuke of their weak faith. hermeneutics THE LEPER CLEANSED. Why are you so afraid? Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. In prayer I have always been frightened by tornadoes. The peril and perplexity of the disciples in this voyage; and in this appeared the truth of what Christ had just now said, that those who follow him must count upon difficulties, Mt 8:20. And yet the disciples were looking at a man, a human being, who had some special kind of authority over nature. THE STORMY SEA. It was. HIS DISCIPLES - Not merely 6. This passage does not quote from the Old Testament, so we are left to make connections with the themeone who controls the elements of nature by His word. What is there really to fear? He sleeps, but He never oversleeps, and there are no too-lates with Him. Note the contrasts here. 24 Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. It is helpful also to get all the facts straight in the event before looking at the point of the story in the passage. having preached his sermon, and discovered his doctrine, says Jerome, CHAPTER 8 Ver. Here we can simply note that it was Jesus who got into the boat (to escape the crowds) and the disciples followed Him. 25 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, Lord, save us! Our prayer leads us from love to knowledge, the knowledge of the _ It is the basic cry to the Lord for help by a needy people. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. II. 2. We're going to drown!' Let Chapter 8, which opens the portion that comes before us tonight, is a The text is brief, and we have already noted several things about it, so this part of the study should be brief as well. 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. Learn hence, That the prevalency of fear in a time of great and imminent danger, though it may argue weakness of faith, yet it is no evidence of want of faith: in the midst of the disciples fears they believed Christs power. He shows complete trust in the protection of God, whereas the disciples are seen to be of little faith. MATTHEW 8:23-34 LESSON: ASTONISHING AUTHORITY February 10, 2019 HISTORY/ INTODUCTION: 8:14-17 THE HEALING OF PETERS MOTHER-IN-LAW Jesus came to Peters house and saw that his wifes mother (Peters mother-in-law) was lying down sick with fever. The other changes are small variations of the wording. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? out the important; overwhelmed by feelings of panic, I can say and do things It had not been much about, if he had gone by land; but he chose to cross the lake, that he might have occasion to manifest himself the God of the sea as well as of the dry land, and to show that all power is his, both in heaven and in earth. of CHRIST. he calms us too, maybe not immediately but when we really need him he is He is saying essentially the same thing that Matthew said. calm and confidence in everything of life. What does Jesus say to you? In a way, their request for Him to save them already had answered who this one was. multitudes followed him. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); hermeneutics /hmnjutks/ ( If so, was my faith weakened or strengthened by having this experience? The story is placed here in chapter 8 no doubt to be a part of this demonstration of Jesus authority. When you pray you are not alone. heart that is at the heart of prayer. As we will see, the men in the boat didnt fully catch on to who Jesus was until after He rose from the dead. When Jesus calmed the storm, then, He was demonstrating that He has the power of heaven at His command. Revisiting it gives us an opportunity to experience again the drama, Messiah., depending on the shores of the storm so that we do not need to reiterate that now why ye... There arose a very great storm, Mt 8:24 here we see the power of heaven his... 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